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IMPORTANT: Read more about how "Buenzli" and "Demodays" are related here.

Save the date for DEMODAYS 2012: August 31st to September 2nd 2012, in our new home in Olten/Switzerland. We'll soon start giving you additional information, details and what we plan for the 21st Buenzli/DEMODAYS event.

Better late than never, here's the Lost & Found from Demodays 2011. If you recognize these items as your stuff, contact us and we'll discuss how you can get them back. (1) A bunch of pullovers (1x white, 1x green branded DNGR, 1x black; all sized 2XL) - (2) shorts (colors grey/beige, unknown size) - (3) an old, used-to-be-white, towel. We'll keep the stuff here for a while and will give these things to charity in a couple of months. Click to enlarge.

The guys from Calodox surprised us with a present on occasion of the 20th edition of Demodays/Buenzli this year. Their demo "Please Don't", which ranked 3rd in the competition, was dedicated to us for the continous organizing of the event. Thanks mates, we are more than honoured! The demo runs on MacOS and we finally managed to make a video capture of it. Download original executable - View on YouTube
