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IMPORTANT: Read more about how "Buenzli" and "Demodays" are related here.

Have you seen our invitation demo? The soundtrack by Netpoet is quite an earworm and that's why we are introducing the Theme Remix Competition. The goal: Create a great music track out of the sample provided in the sample pack (or using your own samples). Read more about this on our competition page.

We are happy to announce that Demodays 2011 is the first official Scenepoints™ certified party. Every visitor buying a three-day-ticket (full ticket) will be awarded with his first 10 Scenepoints™ . You can use your Scenepoints™ at our bistro and get your first reward! Exchange 10 Scenepoints™ (once per person) for one piece of fine meat, sponsored by Echtzeit on occassion of the 20th edition of the Swiss demoparty series. We will have a huge bbq, so don't miss it!

Perhaps you have already seen that our entrance tickets in Euro are a bit more expensive than last year. While we are extremely sorry about the sucky conversion rate, we can't do much about it - except one thing: Showing our appreciation for visitors coming from far away we establish a long distance discount that applies for journey longer than 700km (as the crow flies). But that's not all yet, we also want to make it a bit more affordable for students to visit the Demodays. In consequence, we now have a students discount too. To apply for one of these discounts, please contact us in advance. We're so looking forward to seeing all of you!
